As we all learn to accommodate a new normal, those who are moving during this time face new challenges. While cleaning was always an expected part of moving preparation, the kind required today is a bit different. It may seem overwhelming, but moving during a pandemic (if legal in your area) is possible and can be made as safe as possible for you and your family. If you are getting ready to move, here are some tips to stress a little less and be prepared!

Get New Boxes

Normally, it is easy to find someone in your neighborhood who recently moved who has spare boxes laying around. For now, it is recommended that you purchase new boxes as cardboard can be difficult to sanitize.

Wear Personal Protection

Make sure you don’t pack your masks, gloves, and sanitizer. Your focus might not be on protection from germs and viruses in the chaos of a move, so it is important to have your protection ready for when you are loading and unloading your moving vehicle.

Disinfect + Sanitize

Before you move your items into your new home, take the time to do a sanitizing sweep through the home. Wipe down all door knobs, counter tops, and frequently touched areas like appliance handles.

Wash Your Hands

This one might be obvious, but the best way to protect yourself is to make sure you are frequently washing your hands during a move. You can try your best to avoid touching surfaces others have touched, but your best bet is to just make sure you are keeping your own hands clean and off of your face.

Donate Your Food

Now more than ever, food banks are in dire need of donations. If you are going to be traveling a long distance or just don’t want to worry about food storage in your new home quite yet, your local food bank would likely be quite thankful for your donation.

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